Recipe: Sustainable & Gut Friendly Veggie Burgers
I am a big fan of juicing. And while I absolutely love it, part of me feels guilty about wasting the pulp of the vegetable that is leftover in my juicer. As produce options become more limited during this quarantine, I wanted to find a way to optimize on every single vegetable that I prepare in my kitchen.
Apr 2, 2020
Molly Rose
Recipe: “Cheesy” Protein Greens
Do you ever crave something hearty and filling, but light and nutritious at the same time? Well, that has been me for this entire quarantine. I have been craving meals that feed my soul, warm my heart, AND boost my immune system while promoting detoxification. Can you have it all in one easy dish? The answer, YES. This super simple recipe has been a quarantine staple in my house this past week, and I am so excited to share it with you.
Apr 1, 2020
Molly Rose
Recipe: Alkaline Coconut & Cilantro Rice
Molly Rose Hoffman's special Alkaline Coconut & Cilantro Rice recipe.
Mar 27, 2020
Molly Rose
Recipe: One Pot Immune Boosting Curry
If you’re craving an easy & tasty, soul warming, immune boosting, and anti inflammatory meal – keep reading, and try this recipe.
Mar 27, 2020
Molly Rose
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Is Gluten The Gut Enemy?
Gluten-free foods are everywhere now- whether its supermarket aisles labeled “Gluten-Free” or restaurants offering gluten-free options. Contrary to before, people aren’t just avoiding gluten because of a disorder, like celiac disease (CD).
Feb 12, 2020
Molly Rose
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The Keto Diet’s Long-Term Effects on the Liver: Hint: If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
A ketogenic diet is a plan that centers on fat. The diet consists of high-fats (55%-60%), a moderate amount of protein (30%-35%), and extremely low carbohydrates (5%-10%).
Feb 4, 2020
Molly Rose