Liver Detox: The Phases, The Details, The Nutrients

Detoxification-or detox- is no doubt a buzzword in today’s world of wellness. It often implies using certain products or following a specific diet aimed at helping rid your body of toxins, thereby improving liver health, promoting weight-loss, and inducing rejuvenation.

Our bodies are actually fully equipped to get rid of a standard amount toxins without the help of strict diets or supplements. However, it is the high prevalence of environmental toxins, and lack of nutrient dense foods that increases the need for supplements and special protocols. When we’re exposed to toxins, which happens on a daily basis- be it from food, medications, alcohol, or even pollutants in the air- the liver uses its machinery to detoxify, or cleanse, these toxins out of the body either through the urine or feces. Here, we’ll explore how the liver does this and what nutrients it needs to work at its optimal capacity.

What are Toxins?

Before we delve into how the liver cleanses itself, we need to understand why there’s a need to get rid of toxins in the first place. Toxins are substances obtained from many environmental sources like medications, food, or air that can negatively affect the body and cause disease [R]. They are fat soluble, which means they don’t dissolve in water and therefore, can’t easily be excreted in urine and feces. Instead, they have to pass the liver where they can be converted into water-soluble substances that can more readily exit the body.  Because they are naturally fat-soluble, toxins are attracted to fat tissue where some of them can hide out for years, bypassing the liver’s cleansing process [R]. When these toxins are released, (through nutritional support) they can then be detoxified by the liver [R,R R].

Liver Detoxification Phases

Toxic chemicals go through two phases when being detoxified (or converted into water soluble substances) by the liver.

Phase I

During phase I, toxins are passed from one enzyme to the next in a pathway that triggers several chemical reactions. When toxins come in contact with liver cells, a group of enzymes called cytochrome P450 are activated. Once activated, they stimulate chemical reactions, like oxidation, reduction, and hydrolysis, on the toxins, to render them less harmful, turning them into free radicals. Although these newly produced free radicals are less toxic, they are still harmful and remain toxic pending phase II for complete biotransformation.

Of course, as with all the organs and processes in the body, the right nutrients are needed for optimal performance. This is especially important with age, as the levels of cytochrome P450 decrease, making detoxification slower [R]. Nutrients necessary for phase I detoxification can be found in several healthy foods including: cruciferous vegetables (like cauliflower, cabbage, and broccoli), resveratrol (a compound found in red grapes, blueberries and cocoa), green tea, black tea, curcumin, garlic, and fish oil [R].This phase also requires moderate amounts of several B vitamins and vitamin C. 

Phase II

In the second phase of detoxification, also known as the conjugation phase, free radicals are rendered water-soluble and are tagged for excretion through the urine or feces. This is done through the conjugation of certain chemical groups to the free radicals- a process facilitated by a group of enzymes called UDP-glucuronosyltransferases (UGTs).

Phase II detoxification is heavily dependent on proper nutrient consumption. Because phase I produces highly reactive substances (the free radicals), not having the right nutrients for phase II could be destructive [R]. Nutrients that allow phase II to occur optimally by inducing UGTs include: citrus (this is why I recommend lemon water to my clients), rooibos tea, rosemary, glutamine, ellagic acid (found in berries, pomegranate, grapes, walnuts, and blackcurrants), ferulic acid (found in whole grains, tomatoes, and asparagus), and astaxanthin (found in algae, and yeast). [R]. 

In Conclusion

Despite the body being fully capable of eliminating toxins without external help from specialty diets or supplements, today’s current toxic load may be too much for your body to handle optimally. Fear not, because by implementing a diet & supplement routine rich in necessary nutrients that allow both phases of detoxification to run efficiently, you will be able to maximize your body’s natural cleansing mechanisms that keep your liver happy, healthy, and strong.


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